Our Goal
My Coastal RV Spot is an exclusive club for people who would like to have an RV “home away from home” located on the east coast in either Horry County S.C. or Brunswick County N.C.. There are many reasons for forming our club. One of the main reason is that there are a tremendous amount of people who would enjoy having a place at the beach but most of what is available is either outdated or availability is limited leaving you the option of paying for something much more expensive. If enough people join our club, building our own RV park is ideal. Wondering why not just go build and then sell lots? Well, there are several reasons:
1. Forming a club of people who want a lot, takes the speculation out of the game. In turn making it easier to do on the business end. An example being, it makes the lender’s feel more at ease which helps with the interest.
2. What will it do for you? It will allow you the opportunity to tell us what you would and would not recommend seeing at the park. If we save money on the financing end, in turn that savings are passed on to you!/span>
The next question that you may be asking – How much will it cost to join? Absolutely nothing. This is simply a group of people with the same interests coming together with the hope of an amazing outcome. The cost that you have invested in this is simply a little time. That’s it. But the rewards that both parties will receive should make it well worth the time and effort. So how does it work? As the club grows and we get closer to our target number of members, then we will begin surveys that will help us plan and be able to inform you on a possible outcome. Following an approval things will go into motion. We will put possible options on the actual property that we have picked (we already have our eye on a few properties). Once that is done then things will get serious. We can actually start pre-selling. There will be no money changing hands until we can legally do so. That way everybody is protected. You will get a brand new shiny RV Lot and we get a shiny new client. Everybody wins!/span>
What kind of RV lots will they be? We will be building a high end community. Not price wise however. We want to build lots that are as nice as those quote “Motor-coach Lots”. We hope to offer a wide array of lots in various sizes and décor. Depending on you and the $$$ we hope we can offer a little more space than the usual lot. Although we all know that space is at a premium on the coast, the preliminary numbers show that it is feasible. We have plans for all the usual amenities also. We want a community that we can all be proud of and enjoy for years to come./span>
How do you join? Simply enter your name and email and your in. I know there are a ton of questions that you all must have and we will answer and explore all of them as the club grows. Right now all we want to do is start the club and move forward. If you do have questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We already have a list of members to start with so what are you waiting for! Join today!/span>
Thanks MCRVS Team.